India Focussed Monthly Newsletter “India Decoded” on LinkedIn
I am happy to share the first edition of my India-focussed monthly newsletter "India Decoded" on LinkedIn. Click here to subscribe.
Every month, I will do a deep dive into one complex topic related to India's economy, technology, or broader public policy. We look at what peer-reviewed research and the experience of other countries tell us about what works and what doesn't. I will also include a list of further readings on the topic.
This month, I look at the jobs conundrum: India needs to create 8 million jobs/ year! This is a tough challenge faced by all countries in the world, in light of automation, de-globalization, and fragmented geopolitics.
Opinions are strictly personal.
Tell me what you think! Share your thoughts, things I may have missed, or additional perspectives. #India #economicpolicy #technology #innovation #energytransition #agriculture #services #manufacturing #gender #informality