Weekend Reading, Watching and Listening Recommendations (October 16, 2020)
The tech crisis that isn’t: The world’s rare earth supply chains; People Don’t Want to Be Compared with Others in Performance Reviews. They Want to Be Compared with Themselves; The World After COVID
Read: The tech crisis that isn’t: The world’s rare earth supply chains. Is it a crisis when a country holds a commanding lead in supplying a critical global market successfully manages to avoid disrupting that market amid a pandemic? [ZDNet]
Read: Your Food Isn’t ‘Natural’ and It Never Will Be: In all eras, we’ve tried—and mostly failed—to police the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable. [Wired]
Read: People Don’t Want to Be Compared with Others in Performance Reviews. They Want to Be Compared with Themselves [Harvard Business Review]
Listen: The importance of smell when understanding place. Why scent is so important when it comes to an understanding of the world around us, the changing smellscape of London, the attempt to enhance heritage sites using smell, how scents are preserved, changing opinions on the smell of Fish and Chips, and much more!
Watch: The World After COVID: In conversation with Oxford Professors Peter Frankopan and Professor Ngaire Woods