Weekend Reading, Watching and Listening Recommendations (August 20, 2021)
The Korean Way With Data; SUVs are the 2nd-biggest cause of the rise in global CO2 emissions; The book that changed the way we think about development; Where are heatwaves deadliest?
Read: The Korean Way With Data: How the World’s Most Wired Country Is Forging a Third Way: Excellent new report from the Carnegie Endowment
Read: SUVs Are Worse for the Climate Than You Ever Imagined: SUVs are the 2nd-biggest cause of the rise in global CO2 emissions during the last decade. Only the power sector is a bigger contributor. There are now over 200 million SUVs around the world, up from about 35 million in 2010. [via WIRED]
Listen: Why the Statues Are Coming Down: How and why statues are erected in the first place; how this is far from a new phenomenon; how, perhaps, we should deal with controversial statues and whether statues have had their day? [via History Hit]
Listen: Strategies for Underdogs: How Alibaba’s Taobao Beat eBay in China [via HBS Cold Call]
Watch: What are APIs? Simply put: APIs allow different apps and services to work together in various ways.
Watch: From research to action - the story of a book that changed the way we think about development.In 1989 UNU-WIDER published Hunger and Public Action by Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen. This book catalysed further movement away from seeing development in terms of GDP and income, and towards the capabilities or human development approach
Chart of the Week: Where are climate-linked heatwaves deadliest? [via G-Zero Media]