Weekend Reading, Watching and Listening Recommendations [January 28, 2022]
Visualizing China’s Dominance in Clean Energy Metals; Africa’s First Heat Officer Faces a Daunting Task; Is Now the Moment for the Four-Day Workweek?
Chart of the Week: Visualizing China’s Dominance in Clean Energy Metals [via Visual Capitalist]
Read: Africa’s First Heat Officer Faces a Daunting Task: In the capital of Sierra Leone, crowding and poverty complicate efforts to protect a city of 1.2 million from the effects of climate change. [via Bloomberg]
Listen: Is Now the Moment for the Four-Day Workweek? [via WSJ]
Watch: Just brilliant. I wish every analytical report came with an explanation like this: A computer scientist is asked to explain the concept of zero-knowledge proofs to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert. Using a variety of techniques, Amit breaks down what zero-knowledge proofs are and why it's so exciting in the world of cryptography.